can tiles that are all black can be identified and deleted or ignored?

Ben Tuttle funkbucket at GMAIL.COM
Fri Feb 23 12:20:43 PST 2007

Not sure if you got an answer to this yet. I would just run gdalinfo
-mm <tilename> on each tile before running gdaltindex and then remove
any tiles where the min/max are 0,0.

On 2/17/07, John Mitchell <mitchelljj98 at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to be able to run gdalwarp against a collection of tiles to create a
> large mosaic, which is then by differing resolutions split up by running
> gdal_translate.  Some of these outputted tiles may contain an image that is
> all black (rgb 0,0,0), because of the original gdalwarp mosaicing process.
> My question is whether the tiles that are all black can be identified and
> deleted or ignored in advance before running gdaltindex to create a shape
> files of tiles of varying resolutions?
> Thanks,
> --
> John J. Mitchell

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