dBox Main image

Lawrence Hartpence hartpence_gis at CO.JASPER.IA.US
Tue Feb 27 07:09:59 PST 2007

I am trying to implement my first map using dBox.  I am basing it off of a
simple example provided by Steve Lime,
http://maps.socsci.umn.edu/~lime/2006/test_dbox.html  I am almost there.  I
still am fuzzy on how to render the main image.  As I understand it, I need
to anchor the image with either a <IMG> or <DIV> tag and it must have an
id='main'.  Also, to browse, the mode must be "map"?  At this point, I can't
get a map to render.  Is there something I need to do in the mapfile?

Here is the URL to my HTML document:

Thanks so much for your help!

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