postgis connection problem.

Dave Potts dave.potts at PINAN.CO.UK
Wed Jan 10 16:29:32 PST 2007

I am trying to connect to postgres database on my local machine

The connect strings reads

CONNECTION "dbname=castle user=dave password=foobar host=localhost 

This gives an msPOSTGISLAyerOpen(): Query error, the reported error is 
"unknown hostname: localhost"

Doing a nslookup on localhost gives the expected answer off

Using the value instead of the string localhost, gives the 
same error, but reporting the error unknown host name

A telnet session to localhost 5432 connects , therefore the database is 
running on localhost,  I am not having any problems resolving names.

A psql session to the database castle with the login dave and the 
password foobar works correctly

SO why the error, any suggestions ?

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