Can I reproject WMS service using cgi parameters?

Mark de Blois mdeblois at MAPLECROFT.NET
Wed Jan 17 04:53:06 PST 2007

Hi all,
I am struggling trying to get a local WMS mapservice (local one with 
data in EPSG:4326) to be reprojected on the fly into a projection for 
which no EPSG code exists (Winkel Triple). But I am not sure whether 
this is possible (since there is not EPSG code for Winkel Triple I 
cannot add a WMS_SRS in the layer properties).

What I am trying to do is add onto the url for the map request:
The result is the map in EPSG:4326 projection though zoomed out greatly. 
After changing the bounding box to -180,-90,180,90 I get my 'normal' 
lat/lon map though not in the projection I wish.

Could someonelet me know if what I am trying is possible at all? Thanks 


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