do java-mapscript tests work?

Miroslav Šulc miroslav.sulc at STARTNET.CZ
Thu Jan 18 16:47:10 EST 2007


I have problems running java mapscript tests. Am I doing something wrong 
or the tests do not work? Here is the output:

$ make test
javac -classpath ./:examples/:./mapscript.jar -d examples/ 
examples/ examples/ examples/ 
examples/ examples/ 
examples/ examples/ examples/ 
javac -encoding iso-8859-15 -classpath ./:examples/:./mapscript.jar -d 
examples/ examples/
java -classpath ./:examples/:./mapscript.jar -Djava.library.path=. 
DumpShp ../../tests/point.shp
Shapefile opened (type = point with 1 shapes).
Shape[0] has 1 part(s)
bounds (0.0,51.477222)(0.0,51.477222)
Part[0] has 1 point(s)
Point[0] = 0.0, 51.477222
java -classpath ./:examples/:./mapscript.jar -Djava.library.path=. 
ShapeInfo ../../tests/point.shp ../../tests/point.dbf
Shapefile name = ../../tests/point.shp
Type = point
Number of features 1
bounds (0.0,51.477222)(0.0,51.477222)
java -classpath ./:examples/:./mapscript.jar -Djava.library.path=. 
DrawMap ../../tests/ ./map.png
0) the map will be drawn to:./map.png
java -classpath ./:examples/:./mapscript.jar -Djava.library.path=. ConnPool
Running mapscript.msConnPoolCloseUnreferenced
java -classpath ./:examples/:./mapscript.jar -Djava.library.path=. 
QueryByAttribute ../../tests/
Searched for: A Point
Results number (should be always 1): 1
java -classpath ./:examples/:./mapscript.jar -Djava.library.path=. 
WxSTest ../../tests/
fatal flex scanner internal error--end of buffer missed
Exception in thread "Thread-98" java.lang.UnknownError: msLoadMap():
        at edu.umn.gis.mapscript.mapscriptJNI.new_mapObj(Native Method)
        at edu.umn.gis.mapscript.mapObj.<init>(
Exception in thread "Thread-99" make: *** [test] Error 2

$ make threadtests
javac -cp ./mapscript.jar -d tests/threadtest/ tests/threadtest/*.java
   You can use your own map! Copy the following command in your shell
        and change the file to the map file (the last argument)
java -Djava.library.path=./ -cp tests/threadtest/:./mapscript.jar 
MapTest -t 10 -i 5 ../../tests/
Thread 0 running...
Thread 1 running...
Thread 2 running...
Thread 3 running...
Thread 4 running...
Thread 5 running...
Thread 6 running...
Thread 7 running...
Thread 8 running...
Thread 9 running...
fatal flex scanner internal error--end of buffer missed
Exception in thread "Thread-2" java.lang.UnknownError: getString(): 
Symbol definition error. Duplicate item (FONTSET):(line 10)
make: *** [threadtests] Error 2

Miroslav Šulc

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