Question to GetCapabilities-Parameter

Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA
Fri Jan 19 14:17:23 PST 2007


> Hello list,
> I have produced a WMS with MapServer.
> If I send the GetCapabilites-Request I get in the response 
> for example that line:
> <UserDefinedSymbolization SupportSLD="1" UserLayer="0" UserStyle="1"
> RemoteWFS="0"/>
> What does UserLayer, UserStyle and RemoteWFS stand for?
> I don`t find anything about that in the WMS Implementation 
> Specification.

Here's a snippet of what these mean.   This info is not in the OGC:WMS
specification, but the OGC:SLD specification (section 6.7 from

<!ELEMENT UserDefinedSymbolization (SupportedSLDVersion*)>
<!ATTLIST UserDefinedSymbolization

<!-- If the WMS supports a StyledLayerDescriptor (SLD) then the
SLD parameter can be used in place of LAYERS and STYLES
parameters in a GetMap request. -->
SupportSLD (0 | 1) "0"

<!-- If the WMS supports UserLayers then users can define their
own layers in the SLD in addition to NamedLayers already known to
the WMS. -->
UserLayer (0 | 1) "0"

<!-- If the WMS supports UserStyles then users can define their
own styles in the SLD to be applied to previously specified
layers. -->
UserStyle (0 | 1) "0"

<!-- If the WMS supports remote WFS or WCS then a remote service
can be specified as the source of features to be symbolized. -->

RemoteWFS (0 | 1) "0"

RemoteWCS (0 | 1) "0">

<!-- Indication of what SLD version(s) are supported by a WMS -->
<!ELEMENT SupportedSLDVersion (#PCDATA)>

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