raster output streched at CGI Query mode

David Stajan dls at INFORMGIS.COM
Mon Jan 22 20:36:23 PST 2007

I'm using windows, ms4w2.2.1, and c# mapscript.  Can't show you but I can 
try to explain.  

Everything is great when i call map.draw, but when I have a selected feature, 
therefore calling map.drawquery, the raster stops rendering with the scale and 
becomes a stagnet image inbehind the vector data.  No matter what you do 
(zoom in, zoom out, pan) that raster stays in the position and extent it was at 
when you performed your selection.  The raster begins the render properly 
once I clear my feature selection, and therefore start calling map.draw again 
instead of map.drawquery.

The only thing to note is that I define my raster with a projection because it 
differes with the vector data.

Any Ideas?

On Mon, 22 Jan 2007 22:08:10 -0600, Steve Lime 
<Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US> wrote:

>I must've missed the original post. What version and OS? Any sample
>URLs, images or mapfiles?
>>>> David Stajan <dls at INFORMGIS.COM> 01/22/07 9:02 PM >>>
>Has anyone solved this issue? I'm having the same problem. My raster
>renders fine when performing a draw map but when I create a querymap it
>seems to have lost its projection or something like that? thanks, DaviD

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