Help Setting up FCGI for Oracle Connection pooling

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM
Tue Jan 23 13:55:58 PST 2007

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This is my first attempt to get FastCGI running with Mapserver to do 
>> Oracle connection pooling, and it is not working. Any help would be 
>> appreciated.
>> I have the mapfile working for CGI so I know I have the system and 
>> environment set up correctly, but in fcgi mode I get:
>> This is the error message:
>> msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 
>> 'Mexican_States'.
>> msOracleSpatialLayerOpen(): OracleSpatial error. Cannot create OCI 
>> Handlers. Connection failure. Check the connection string. Error: .
> Steve,
> It seems like you have done everything right.  Does the fastcgi
> mapserver work for other stuff (like shapefiles) if there is no
> oracle in the mix?
> It looks like some sort of subtle environment type issue, but your
> efforts seem pretty comprehensive.
> Best regards,

Hi Frank,

Good call, I should have thought of that! Yes, if I change the mapfile 
to a shapefile only mapfile it runs just fine in fastcgi.

Yesterday, when I was setting up the Oracle connection I got the same 
error message and resolved it by fixing the file permission on the 
/home2/oracle directory tree. So I guess there are still some issues 
there. I'll go back over that again maybe I missed something.

Does the fastcgi version need access to different oracle client files 
that the CGI does not need?

Thanks for the quick response,
   -Steve W

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