white dashes at border between tiles within MapServer

Brent Wood pcreso at PCRESO.COM
Fri Jan 26 13:08:38 PST 2007

--- John Mitchell <mitchelljj98 at GMAIL.COM> wrote:

> Hi,
> When I have a shape file within MapServer that is pointing to a number of
> GeoTiff files I sometimes get a series of white dashes running at the border
> between GeoTiff files.  I have brought these same GeoTiff files and
> displayed them within ArcExplorer2 and these white dashes do not show up.

I have found this to be the background showing through. The gap is caused by a
reprojected tile which is no longer rectangular, and a pixel can get lost at
the boundary. (Which doesn't mean this is the same thing you're seeing :-)

It seems to be a rounding issue.

My fix was to specify a background of 128/128/128 RGB values, as my tiles were
grayscale aerial images. While the dashed lines were still there, it made thenm
difficult to see :-)


  Brent Wood  

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