Bradley Mclain
bradleym06 at HOTMAIL.COM
Wed Jan 31 15:55:35 PST 2007
I'm having some problems with projections in Mapserver. I have three pieces
of data, 2 polygon shapefiles and a GeoTIFF raster image. I am trying to
define their projections so that they align correctly as the raster is
slightly off from the two shapefiles.
I have managed to extract the geographical info from the files but I have no
idea where I define it in the mapfile and what info I need to include (or
what any of it means).
I have attached the three text files which include the geographical data for
each, can someone explain to me how to define these in a mapfile, eg where I
need to do it and what info I need.
Can you please include lots of detail and description so I can fully
understand :)
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