WMS layer-projection

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM
Wed Jul 4 04:51:16 PDT 2007

This is not a known issue, but it's always possible that there might be 
problems in the way the query location is reprojected in a 
GetFeatureInfo call.

Is the WMS server using MapServer as well? Have you tried 
setting/increasing the TOLERANCE value inside the layers on the WMS server?


Silvia Petcu wrote:
> I’m using PHP MapScript (MapServer 4.9) function getWMSFeatureInfoURL
> (x_px,y_px,50,’GML.1’) to query few WMS layers that are in a different 
> projection than my map. The map projection is Lambert Conformal and the 
> WMS layers are in Geographic projection(epsg:4326). The map covers 
> Northwest Territories in Canada and the difference between Geographic and 
> other projections is really noticeable here.
> The result returned by the function is in the right projection but the 
> coordinates X,Y seams to be off and for WMS layers that are Point type I 
> never get a hit when I query, for Polygons is a better since I can zoom enough 
> to get a good result. 
> If the map is the same projection as the WMS layer the function return a 
> correct result and I can query without problem.
> Is this a known issue or I’m missing something?
> Thank you,
> Silvia Petcu

Daniel Morissette

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