Tips for routing with tiger file

Daniel Kastl orkney at GMX.DE
Wed Jul 4 22:31:44 PDT 2007

Hi Kurt,

If you use Mapserver with PostgreSQL/PostGIS, this might 
help you:

I didn't try Tiger data for routing yet, but it should be 
Of course you need to adjust your data and create a road 
network topology.


Kurt Kuo schrieb:
> Dear list,
> Here may not be the right place to post this question. However, I 
> understand that mapserver users come from different fields. There must 
> be some experts who are able to give me some advices. Thanks in advance.
> My question is how to use tiger file for routing purpose. As my 
> understanding, routing needs the length of every line between source and 
> target nodes. It seems that the tiger file does not have this 
> information. I really appreciate if someone can provide some advices, 
> tips, or references in order to achieve this matter. Thanks again.
> Best,
> Kurt
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