Dynamic map annotation in animated GIF file

Burgholzer,Robert rwburgholzer at DEQ.VIRGINIA.GOV
Wed Jul 11 07:04:53 PDT 2007

Thanks for your suggestions. I am close, although the points are not
being rendered. They return a "MS_SUCCESS", however, it does not show on
the map.  I have tried many possibilities, but am thus far unable to get


-----Original Message-----
From: Julien-Samuel Lacroix [mailto:jlacroix at mapgears.com] 
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 8:32 PM
To: Burgholzer,Robert
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Dynamic map annotation in animated
GIF file

You are right. PHP/MapScript doesn't provide the TEXT portion of an 
annotation feature. It's because it's easier to add directly a point on 
the top of the map. Instead of adding a FEATURE object to the layer, 
simply create a point object and draw it on the map image.
(Following code not tested)

// Outside the loop create a pointObj
$oPoint = ms_newPointObj();


// Inside the foreach, draw your map without the copyright layer
$image[$i]     = $amap->map->draw();

// Then draw the point on the top of it
// Don't forget to remove the FEATURE object in the mapfile
// Also you should give a name to your class in the copyright layer
// For now, I'll use "CLASSNAME"
$oPoint->draw($amap->map, $thislayer, $image[$i], "CLASSNAME",

$image_url[$i] = $image[$i]->saveWebImage(MS_GIF,1,1,0);


The code is not tested, but it should give you a good idea.


Burgholzer,Robert wrote:
> I am trying to produce a time series animated GIF, with an annotation
> the bottom of the map that shows the time.  Thanks to an example from 
> Charlton Purvis found by a search of previous postings on making an 
> animated GIF (modified to use a single layer, changing the filter to 
> select for the data that is in my current time step):
> And a Wiki entry from Jeff McKenna about making a copyright notation:
> http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/docs/faq/copyright-layer
> I have the basics, that is, an animated time series, with a statically

> placed text entry at the bottom (at a map-specific point, rather than
> lat lon).  However, the annotation layer can only display a single 
> entry, not one that is updated with the time step.  I am wondering how

> to do this, if I can modify the property of the annotation layer, or
> I need to create a point of some sort from a dynamic postgis call.  I 
> can't seem to set the TEXT portion of the feature via php mapscript.
> Anyone have any ideas? (code and mapfile follow)
> foreach ($gifmaps as $thismap) {
>    $thislayer = $amap->map->getLayerByName('stream_stat');
>    $filter = " projectid = $projectid and thismetric = '$thismap' ";
>    $listobject->querystring = " select count(*) as numrecs from 
> proj_group_stat ";
>    $listobject->querystring .= " where $filter ";
>    $listobject->performQuery();
>    $numrecs = $listobject->getRecordValue(1,'numrecs');
>    #$annotlayer = $amap->map->getLayerByName('copyright');
>    #$annotation = $annotlayer->getFeature(1,-1);
>    if ($numrecs > 0) {
>       $thislayer->setFilter($filter);
>       $thislayer->set("status",MS_ON);
>       #$annotation->set("TEXT", $filter);
>       $image[$i]     = $amap->map->draw();
>       $image_url[$i] = $image[$i]->saveWebImage(MS_GIF,1,1,0);
>       $file_path[$i] = $amap->map->web->imagepath
>                        . substr(strrchr($image_url[$i], "/"),1);
>       $anim_files   = $anim_files . '"' . $file_path[$i] . '"' . " ";
>       $i++;
>       print(" Adding <i>$filter</i>, $image_url[$i] <br>");
>    }
>  }
> // Create a unique filename and URL for the animated GIF output
>  $anim_name = "anim".substr(strrchr($image_url[1], '/'),1);
>  $anim_path = '"' . $amap->map->web->imagepath . $anim_name .'"';
>  $anim_url = $amap->map->web->imageurl . $anim_name;
>  print("Creating $anim_path <br>");
>  $cmd = $anim_gif_cmd . " -o " . $anim_path . " " .  $anim_files;
>  print("Using: $cmd <br>");
>  system($cmd);
> # annotation layer
>   NAME copyright
>   TYPE annotation
>   TRANSFORM false
>     POINTS
>       150 180 #this is the position of the text in image coordinates 
> (pixels)
>     END
>     TEXT "From 2007/01/01 to 2007/06/30" #this is your displaying text
>   END  
>     LABEL #defines the font, colors etc. of the text
>       FONT "arial"
>       SIZE 10
>       BUFFER 1
>       COLOR 0 0 0
>       BACKGROUNDCOLOR 255 255 255
>       FORCE TRUE
>     END
>   END
> Robert W. Burgholzer
> Surface Water Modeler
> Office of Water Supply and Planning
> Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
> rwburgholzer at deq.virginia.gov <mailto:rwburgholzer at deq.virginia.gov>
> 804-698-4405
> Open Source Modeling Tools:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/npsource/

Julien-Samuel Lacroix

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