Setting attributes of shapes on php-mapscript

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM
Tue Jul 17 08:41:42 PDT 2007

Francesco Antognini wrote:
> Checking the php_mapscript.dll extension reveals that both initValues
> and setValues are not defined. So php does not support them.
> Is there any hope that one day php mapscript will be updated ?
> (shpeobj::clone is missing too...)

I think the first step would be to file a enhancement ticket in Trac 
listing the missing methods. It may be too late to get that in 5.0 since 
the feature freeze is this coming Monday and our plates are already 
full, but ya never know, if you provide a good enough use case then 
someone might be able to get that in.

Daniel Morissette

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