PROCESSING "LUT=.... issue

A.Th.C. Hulst hulst at ARGOSS.NL
Fri Jul 20 07:23:14 PDT 2007


I have a fix (ugly, but it works):

in mapdrawgdal.c
int user_defined=FALSE;
    while( !all_done )
        int this_in, this_out;
        int lut_i;

        while( isspace(*lut_read) )

        /* if we are at end, assum 255:255 */
        if( *lut_read == '\0')
            all_done = TRUE;
            if ( !user_defined ){
		// Only assume 255:255 end when user did not specify PROCESSING option
                this_in = 255;
                this_out = 255;

        /* otherwise read "in:out", and skip past */
            user_defined = TRUE;
	    the rest of the code

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