Polygon outline width

Gilles Bassière gilles.bassiere at MAKINA-CORPUS.COM
Tue Jul 31 07:27:27 PDT 2007

Hi Jukka,
Interesting point of view!
I still think that outline are drawn outside polygons. I tried uDig to 
view my data. In this application, I can easily switch my outline on and 
off (that is, set width to 0px). The thickness of mapserver polygons is 
equivalent to those drawn in uDig with a 1px outline. Without this 
outline, the smaller river are almost invisible in uDig at large scale.
Since mapserver doesn't support an outline width lesser than 1px, I 
assume that it's just not possible to completely "turn off" outlines.
I still wonder why the OUTLINECOLOR -1 -1 -1 didn't work on my computer. 
I also try to change IMAGECOLOR settings but it's still the same crappy 
Anyway, I finally gave up and created a second CLASS in order to draw 
only bigger rivers when the scale is large. It's not as nice as uDig 
rendering but it's still readable.
Thanks !

Rahkonen Jukka wrote:
> Hi,
> The question might be actually in how the polygons and outlines actually are rendered.  Gilles seems to suppose that polygon in first rendered with COLOR and after that outline is rendered outside the polygon with OUTLINECOLOR, resulting to a shape that widened from the original by the line width.  But perhaps Mapserver is rendering the outline just inside (effectively, above) the coloured polygon that is on the bottom, or maybe half and half? I suppose that would lead to similar results in cases 2) and 3). Who knows?
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
> ________________________________
> Lähettäjä: UMN MapServer Users List puolesta: Gilles Bassière
> Lähetetty: ma 30.7.2007 19:08
> Aihe: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Polygon outline width
> Hi Bart
> I don't get you. I tried with the OUTLINECOLOR property set to a valid
> color, to -1 0 0 and without any OUTLINECOLOR property, is that what you
> mean ?
> Let me describe my results :
> 1) COLOR set to 153 179 204, OUTLINECOLOR is set to 0 0 0
> => My shape appear in blue with a 1 pixel black border.
> 2) COLOR set to 153 179 204, OUTLINECOLOR is not set (default value)
> => My shape appear in blue, there is no black border but polygon is as
> thick as the previous one. I assume that Mapserver draw a 1 pixel border
> using the filling color.
> 3) COLOR set to 153 179 204, OUTLINECOLOR is set to -1 0 0 (or to -1 -1 -1)
> => The result is the same as case no 2.
> Attached are some map excerpts illustrating these 3 cases.
> If I understand, the value -1 0 0 is a way to say to Mapserver: "Draw
> this transparent", right ? So, every pixel that appear black in the
> first case shouldn't appear in blue in the 3rd case, isn't it ? As you
> can see on the third map (case3.png), it's not. :(
> Flavio, thanks for checking my mapfile. I tried with and without
> antialias and it looks better with it. I don't know how to check whether
> my polygons are valid (closed polygon), could you give me a way to check
> that ?
> Regards
> Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) wrote:
>> Try and leave out the OUTLINECOLOR altogether.
>> Best regards,
>> Bart
>> --
>> Bart van den Eijnden
>> OSGIS, Open Source GIS
>> http://www.osgis.nl <http://www.osgis.nl/> 
>> --------- Oorspronkelijk bericht --------
>> Van: Gilles Bassi�re <gilles.bassiere at MAKINA-CORPUS.COM>
>> Onderwerp: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Polygon outline width
>> Datum: 30/07/07 10:58
>>> Here is my mapfile. The complete Mapfile has 8 other layers but I
>>> removed them in order to make it easy to read, anyway all layers have
>>> the same properties (only the color change).
>>> I also tried to set the OUTLINECOLOR property at the CLASS level and to
>>> use the value -1 0 0 but the outline is still not transparent.
>>> # WGS 84 (epsg:4326)
>>> MAP
>>>    NAME                "Test"
>>>    IMAGETYPE           "png"
>>>    EXTENT              3.3 50.75 7.25 53.6
>>>    IMAGECOLOR          255 255 255
>>>    FONTSET             "/home/gba/public_html/fonts.txt"
>>>    SYMBOLSET           "/home/gba/public_html/symbols.sym"
>>>    UNITS               dd
>>>       "init=epsg:4326"
>>>    END
>>>    WEB
>>>       IMAGEPATH        "/home/gba/public_html/img/"
>>>       IMAGEURL         "/img/"
>>>       METADATA
>>>          "wms_title"            "Road map"
>>>          "wms_onlineresource" 
>> "http://localhost/~gba/cgi-bin/test.cgi?" <http://localhost/~gba/cgi-bin/test.cgi?> 
>>>          "wms_srs"              "epsg:4326"
>>>       END
>>>    END
>>>    # Legend
>>>    LEGEND
>>>       KEYSIZE          10 5
>>>       LABEL
>>>          TYPE          bitmap
>>>          SIZE          medium
>>>          COLOR         0 0 0
>>>          PARTIALS      false
>>>       END
>>>       STATUS           on
>>>    END
>>>    # Scale bar
>>>       IMAGECOLOR       255 255 255
>>>       LABEL
>>>          COLOR         0 0 0
>>>          SIZE          tiny
>>>       END
>>>       STYLE            1
>>>       SIZE             50 2
>>>       COLOR            0 0 0
>>>       UNITS            meters
>>>       INTERVALS        2
>>>       STATUS           on
>>>    END
>>>       NAME             "png"
>>>       DRIVER           "GD/PNG"
>>>       MIMETYPE         "image/png"
>>>       IMAGEMODE        "rgba"
>>>       EXTENSION        "png"
>>>       FORMATOPTION     "transparent=on"
>>>       FORMATOPTION     "interlace=on"
>>>    END
>>> ##########################################################################
>>>    # Start of LAYER Definitions
>>> ---------------------------------------------
>>> ##########################################################################
>>>    # LAYER 9 : water -------------------------------------
>>>    LAYER
>>>       NAME             "water"
>>>       GROUP            "background"
>>>       CONNECTIONTYPE   postgis
>>>       CONNECTION       "host=localhost dbname=test user=test
>>> password=xxxxx port=5432"
>>>       DATA             "wkb_geometry FROM water"
>>>       STATUS           on
>>>       TYPE             polygon
>>>       TRANSPARENCY     alpha
>>>       PROJECTION
>>>          "init=epsg:4326"
>>>       END
>>>       CLASS
>>>          STYLE
>>>             COLOR         153 179 204
>>>             OUTLINECOLOR  -1 -1 -1
>>>             ANTIALIAS     true
>>>          END
>>>       END
>>>       METADATA
>>>          "wms_title"   "Water bodies"
>>>          "wms_srs"     "EPSG:4326"
>>>          "wms_extent"  "3.3 50.75 7.25 53.6"
>>>       END
>>>    END
>>> END
>>> # test URL (GetMap) :
>> http://localhost/~gba/cgi-bin/test.cgi?service=wms&version=1.1.1&request=getmap&layers=background&styles=&srs=epsg:4326&width=800&height=600&format=image/png&bbox=3.358400,50.750400,7.227600,53.555000
>>> > Hi Gilles
>>> >
>>> > How does sour map-file look? OUTLINECOLOR -1 0 0 definitely should
>> work.
>>> >
>>> > Mit freundlichem Gruss / Best Regards
>>> > Flavio Hendry
>>> >
>>> > ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> > TYDAC Web-Site:  http://www.tydac.ch <http://www.tydac.ch/> 
>>> > TYDAC MapServer: http://www.mapserver.ch <http://www.mapserver.ch/> 
>>> > ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> > ############      Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Kind Regards
>>> > ############             mailto:flavio at tydac.ch
>>> > ############         TYDAC AG - http://www.tydac.ch <http://www.tydac.ch/> 
>>> > ####    ####        Geographic Information Solutions
>>> > ####    ####         Luternauweg 12 -- CH-3006 Bern
>>> > ############   Tel +41 (0)31 368 0180 - Fax +41 (0)31 368 1860
>>> > ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > -----Original Message-----
>>> > From: Gilles Bassi�re <gilles.bassiere at makina-corpus.com>
>>> > To: Flavio Hendry <flavio at tydac.ch>
>>> > Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 11:58:00 +0200
>>> > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Polygon outline width
>>> >
>>> >  
>>> >> Hi Flavio
>>> >>
>>> >> Thanks for your help. Unfortunately, it has no effect on my map.
>> I
>>> >> tried
>>> >> to set this value for OUTLINE in the CLASS element, then in the
>>> >> element but rivers still appear very thick on my map when the
>> scale
>>> >> in
>>> >> large... Actually, the same map is produced with OUTLINE -1 0 0
>> or
>>> >> without. =(
>>> >>
>>> >> As explained in the FAQ, I tried to set up a circle symbol but it
>>> >> seems
>>> >> to work only for true lines, not for polygon outlines.
>>> >>
>>> >> Any other idea ?
>>> >>
>>> >> Gilles
>>> >>    
>>> >>> Hi Gilles
>>> >>>
>>> >>> just set the OUTLINECOLOR to -1 0 0.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Mit freundlichem Gruss / Best Regards
>>> >>> Flavio Hendry
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> >>> TYDAC Web-Site:  http://www.tydac.ch <http://www.tydac.ch/> 
>>> >>> TYDAC MapServer: http://www.mapserver.ch <http://www.mapserver.ch/> 
>>> >>>
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> >>> ############      Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Kind Regards
>>> >>> ############             mailto:flavio at tydac.ch
>>> >>> ############         TYDAC AG - http://www.tydac.ch <http://www.tydac.ch/> 
>>> >>> ####    ####        Geographic Information Solutions
>>> >>> ####    ####         Luternauweg 12 -- CH-3006 Bern
>>> >>> ############   Tel +41 (0)31 368 0180 - Fax +41 (0)31 368
>> 1860
>>> >>>
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> -----Original Message-----
>>> >>> From: Gilles Bassi�re
>> <gilles.bassiere at MAKINA-CORPUS.COM>
>>> >>> Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 15:09:22 +0200
>>> >>> Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Polygon outline width
>>> >>>
>>> >>>  
>>> >>>      
>>> >>>> Hi there,
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> I wonder whether it's possible to have no outline for a
>> polygon.
> --
> Gilles Bassiere
> 30 rue des Jeuneurs
> FR-75011 PARIS
> http://www.makina-corpus.com <http://www.makina-corpus.com/> 

Gilles Bassiere
30 rue des Jeuneurs
FR-75011 PARIS

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