imagemap examples

Bob Basques Bob.Basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US
Fri Jun 1 17:27:19 EDT 2007

If you want something up and running fairly quickly, you should take a
look at GeoMoose.  It makes this type of integration very easy
(considering the pieces involved).
The interface is based on this type of architecture, where any layer
can have a corrosponding imagemap (XML in GeoMOOSEs case) 
Take a look at the Demo sites that are using the GeoMoose framework and
see if it will work for you.We're working on adding in some demos and
such to make things easier on first timers with GeoMoose.  There is not
currently a demo in place showing this, but we hope to have one up
within the next few working days that shows off the imagemap

>>> "Fawcett, David" <David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US> wrote:
Does anyone have any examples of client code that hits MapServer for
both an image and an associated imagemap and puts them together? =20

I have the backend and URLs to retrieve what I want for the image and
imagemap, I am just looking for the most efficient way to stitch them
together. =20


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