Mapserver Development Environments?

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Wed Jun 13 05:48:36 PDT 2007

You'd think that would be easy to find wouldn't you. The best that exists is:

There really should be a "Client Software" section but there isn't (yet) so the various links are scattered about the utilities section.

There are some important omissions:

  - CartoWeb (
  - MapBender ( - OGC-based but can use MapServer services)
  - Mapbuilder ( - also OGC-based)
  - ka-map ( - Google-style mapping)
  - OpenLayers ( - more Google-style mapping)
  - msCross (
  - GeoMoose ( - a new one from the City of St. Paul)

and I bet I'm missing a couple of others.


>>> "Burgholzer,Robert" <rwburgholzer at DEQ.VIRGINIA.GOV> 06/11/07 3:23 PM >>>
I am looking for a site with some links to various development
environments for mapserver. That is, applications that help automate
some of the site development process. I recall there being a list of
these at one time, but now I am unable to find it on the mapserver site.




Robert W. Burgholzer

Surface Water Modeler

Office of Water Supply and Planning

Virginia Department of Environmental Quality

rwburgholzer at


Open Source Modeling Tools:


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