Oracle Varray does not display in WFS

Fernando Simon fsimon at UNIVALI.BR
Thu Jun 28 05:47:04 PDT 2007

Hi Terry,
    Can you provide more info about the problem? What type of call are 
not working?
    How did you define your layer? Are you trying to show how type the 
columns (the database column type)?
    Are you using what connector driver, OGR, Native Connection?
    Best regards.

Fernando Simon
UMN Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer

Terry Byrne wrote:
> Hi All
> I am a novice MapServer user, attempting to use an Oracle Varray to deliver
> data via WFS.
> My layer displays correctly in a WMS, but not as WFS.
> I have tried two clients, Gaia2, and svSIG. Gaia2 reports no error, and will
> zoom to the layer extent correctly, but does not display any of the data
> unless the Varray is removed form the select statement.
> svSIG reports a Java error, and does not zoom to layer.
> If I delete the Varray column from the select statement, the layer displays
> correctly in either client.
> Regards
> Terry Byrne
> CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research
> Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

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