beginner: Again MapInfo .tab .dat .id .map with white image

Julien Buratto julien at LINKAS.IT
Thu Mar 1 07:09:11 PST 2007

Hi Daniel,

yes that extent made me crazy, infact now it seems to draw something :-D
Now I have to figureout how to use hundreds of shape files, create
hundreds of shapes and find the lat/long on the map, but this is another
thing :-D

This is a 1:10000 map of an entire italian province, woh!


Daniel Morissette ha scritto:
> The extents that you specified in your mapfile doesn't overlap with the
> extent of your data.
> Try setting the following default extents in your mapfile, that will
> probably give much better results:
> EXTENT 2365748 4851330 2366928 4852759
> Daniel
> Julien Buratto wrote:
>> Hi there, happy to enter the world of mapping  :-D
>> I've been reading past posts about this topic, but I could not
>> figure-out how to solve my problem.
>> An institution in my country passed me the MapInfo cds with hundreds of
>> files, name XXXXXXX.TAB .DAT .ID .MAP
>> At the beginning I was desperate (yeye geek panic), then I ogr2ogr all
>> them to postgis and I was feeling confortable, but could not generate my
>> first map (always the same, white, invisibile gif square :-D)
>> Then I decide to use the CONNECTIONTYPE OGR directly to those files
>> because shp2img was complaining about some SQL and I thought it was not
>> worth at the beginning to use postgis, better start with MapInfo files.
>> My ogrinfo reports a loooong long report showing each row of data
>> present, while the summary shows (for one file):
>> ogrinfo /root/data_cd/269140.TAB -summary 269140
>> Had to open data source read-only.
>> INFO: Open of `/root/dati_cd/269140.TAB'
>> using driver `MapInfo File' successful.
>> Layer name: 269140
>> Geometry: Unknown (any)
>> Feature Count: 386
>> Extent: (2365748.451000, 4851329.181000) - (2366928.857000,
>> 4852758.777000)
>> Layer SRS WKT:
>> PROJCS["unnamed",
>>     GEOGCS["unnamed",
>>         DATUM["Monte_Mario",
>>             SPHEROID["International 1924",6378388,297],
>>             TOWGS84[-225,-65,9,-0,-0,-0,0]],
>>         PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
>>         UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],
>>     PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],
>>     PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0],
>>     PARAMETER["central_meridian",15],
>>     PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996],
>>     PARAMETER["false_easting",2520000],
>>     PARAMETER["false_northing",0],
>>     UNIT["Meter",1.0]]
>> ID: Integer (0.0)
>> TIPO: String (15.0)
>> LIVELLO: String (15.0)
>> NUMFOGLIO: Integer (0.0)
>> NOMFOGLIO: String (30.0)
>> DESCRIZIONE: String (100.0)
>> TOPONIMO: String (60.0)
>> QUOTA1: Real (0.0)
>> QUOTA2: Real (0.0)
>> Well, my MAP is now:
>> SIZE 400 300
>> IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255
>> FONTSET ../etc/fonts.txt
>> EXTENT 0 0 3072800 3840000
>> NAME "269140"
>> CONNECTION "/root/dati_cd/269140.TAB"
>>       NAME "Elevation Poly 5"
>>       OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
>>       COLOR 128 128 128
>> END
>> END # Layer
>> END
>> When I hit "shp2img" I don't get errors, the file is generated white.
>> My questions are:
>> 1) Could be a problem of EXTENT ?
>> 2) Howcomes I set a non-existant file as connection and the shp2img goes
>> on without errors ? Shouldn't say something like "connection file not
>> found" ?
>> 3) As I have hundreds of these files, should I create a LAYER for each
>> file ?
>> Thanks for your patience, and hope to show you my work online asap!
>> Julien

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