problem in Dynamic query with postGIS

J. Parapar listario at GMAIL.COM
Fri Mar 2 06:16:52 PST 2007


  It seems that in the qstring parameter you are specifying only the
name of the village and not a condition like
qstring=dsd_n='Ambalanthota. This results in an incorrect SQL
condition.  Changing this affects the use you do of qstring as a
variable in DATA. I think you should try again with QueryMap, it is a
simpler way to  get the results of the query highlighted in the map.

  Best regards,

2007/3/1, nimalika Fernando <nimalikaf at>:
> hi everybody,
> I am working in a disaster recovery application  , using Mapserver and postGIS
> for mapping part.
> I need to implement a simple search facilty, for eaxmple if user already knows
> a village affected , by selecting that village name using a combo box in web
> interface the related village should be highlighted in the map.
> I am not clear about how to implement such but I tried several options.
> I have used a QUERYMAP object and tried . But I am not getting the work
> done. My data resides in postGIS db and working with Maapserver in CGI mode
> is fine for basic operations.
> My query in the map file  is as follows
> DATA "the_geom from (select alldsdivisions.the_geom as
> the_geom,alldsdivisions.gid as oid ,
> alldsdivisions.dsd_n as  dsd_n from alldsdivisions
> where alldsdivisions.dsd_n ='%qstring%')
> error mesage I get is as follows
>  prepare_database(): Query error. Error executing POSTGIS DECLARE (the
>  actual query) statement: 'DECLARE mycursor BINARY CURSOR FOR SELECT
>  dsd_n::text,asbinary(force_collection(force_2d(the_geom)),'NDR'),oid::text
> from (select alldsdivisions.the_geom as the_geom,alldsdivisions.gid as oid ,
> alldsdivisions.dsd_n as dsd_n from alldsdivisions where alldsdivisions.dsd_n
> ='Ambalanthota') AS selectedgs WHERE (Ambalanthota) and (the_geom &&
> setSRID( 'BOX3D(181659.373889 74242.41425975,303213.047119
> 165407.66918225)'::BOX3D,-1) )'
> Postgresql reports the error as 'ERROR: column "ambalanthota" does not
> exist '
> here , "Ambalanthota" mean a value of coumn dsd_n of table
> alldsdivisions. qstring is replaced by the user selected value of the combo box.
> I have tried to get help from postGIS users but still i couldn't solve this
> can anybody help me to figure out a solution , pls?
> thank you in advance,
> Nimalika
> from Sri Lanka

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