Problems with Mapserver4.10.1--GD--Fedora Core 6 (espanol - english)

Adriano Torres atorresma at UC.CL
Fri Mar 2 12:16:34 PST 2007

(first english, despues espanol)
    I couldn't install Mapserver 4.10.1 in fedora6. When I tray to run
"./configure" the system display the following error:

configure: checking whether we should include JPEG support...
checking for jpeg_read_header in -ljpeg... yes
        using libjpeg from system libs.
configure: checking where libXpm is installed...
checking for XpmFreeXpmImage in -lXpm... yes
        using libXpm from system libs.
configure: checking where libiconv is installed...
checking for iconv_open in -lc... yes
checking for libiconv_open in -liconv... no
        using libiconv from system libs.
        libiconv found. Enabling internationalization (-DUSE_ICONV)
configure: checking for GD 2.0.16 or higher...
checking for gdFontCacheSetup in -lgd... no
configure: checking whether GD needs libiconv...
checking for gdFontCacheSetup in -lgd... no
configure: error: Could not find gd.h or libgd.a/ in /usr/local.  Make
sure GD 2.0.16 or higher is compiled before calling configure. You may also
get this error if you didn't specify the appropriate location for one of GD's
dependencies (freetype, libpng, libjpeg or libiconv).

I don't understand because Fedora has installed GD (I have freetype, libpng,
libjpeg and libiconv in /usr/local/ + /lib/ + /include/, also I Installed
GD-2.0.34  and the latest versions of Gdal, Proj4, Postgrsql, Postgis,
additional librarys (php-gd, php-devel, gd-devel) but nothing work!

What Can I do?

Hola a los de habla hispana!
He estado tratando de instalar Mapserver 4.10.1 y no corre!. Se supone que
tengo todos los prerequisitos instalados en Fedora 6, baje las ultimas
versiones de Gdal, Proj 4 e incluso el GD-2.0.34 y librerias adicionales
(php-gd, gd-devel y en teoría tengo todo ok (incluyendo freetype, libpng,
libjpeg y libiconv). Sin embargo "/.configure" me arroja el siguiente error:

configure: error: Could not find gd.h or libgd.a/ in /usr/local.  Make
sure GD 2.0.16 or higher is compiled before calling configure. You may also
get this error if you didn't specify the appropriate location for one of GD's
dependencies (freetype, libpng, libjpeg or libiconv).

Que puedo hacer?


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