automatic Vehicle tracking application (AVL)

Brent Fraser bfraser at GEOANALYTIC.COM
Fri Mar 2 14:12:09 PST 2007

> I have the following situation, I want to implement an
online automatic
> vehicle tracking application (AVL). I have vector maps and
real time GPS
> data in a database. I need to monitor about 300 vehicles
and have the
> possibility to query some information about each one, e.g.
> direction, and also about the map, e.g. the name of the
street where the
> vehicle is circulating, etc.
> In your experience, which is the most suitable tool for
implementing this
> stuff?

Well, I don't know if it's the most suitable, but we had
good success with using

> Somebody has developed a similar application?

We've implemented a system to track ships in the Caspian Sea
and overlay daily MODIS imagery for ice monitoring.  And
we've done a few sites to monitor land-based vehicles in
remote locations...

> Do You know some online application that makes similar
tasks to take some
> ideas from it?

We don't have a site exposed for public viewing, but you may
find some others via Google.  A couple of non-mapserver
implementations: and

Brent Fraser
GeoAnalytic Inc.
Calgary, Alberta

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