Multiple versions of mapserver on the same IIS

Chau,Philip [PYR] Philip.Chau at EC.GC.CA
Thu Mar 8 09:17:33 PST 2007

I'm struggling to find out to see if this is possible or not:

I have one application which requires the 4.9 version of Mapserver,
while another app (Chameleon) requires the 4.8.1 version of Mapserver,
and I'm trying to get it to run on the same machine.

They are seperated into two different website in IIS, however, the
Environment Variable PATH needs to be configured on either the 4.8.1
mapserver directory or the 4.9 directory, so only one application will
run or the other.

Is there anyway to get both running at the same time?


Philip Chau, B.Sc, PMP
Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance
Science and Technology
Environment Canada
201-401 Burrard Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 3S5
Tel: 604.664.4066
Fax: 604.664.9126

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