UMN MapServer and 4D data?

Peter Fischer peter_7003 at YAHOO.COM
Thu Mar 15 10:04:42 PDT 2007

 I'm relatively new to map services and have some questions to UMN

      1. Is      it possible to store 3D data of a terrain and display it in a viewer,
    e.g. the one used by GRASS GIS?
2. If      getting GPS data, overlay the moving objects over this view (e.g.
    using      WFS for representing them in vectorial form)? – Is this possible
    by      parallelly forwarding the incoming data directly to the viewer and
    during      this also writing it into the database to save the movements (in 
    the WFS      via transactional  WFS, which UMN   mapserver doesn’t
    support as I’ve read in      the web, but GeoServer does)?
3. Is      there support for layer management, switching on/off layers (vector- 
    and      raster-), overlays? Or do I have to implement this by myself?
4. Is      there a good viewer which can display the 4D data (the 3D terrain
    plus the      moving objects, the overlays) all at once?

If anyone could answer you would greatly help me.

Best regards,


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