Big project using mapserver

Gerry Creager gerry.creager at TAMU.EDU
Wed Mar 28 06:41:24 PDT 2007

That should give you some idea of our extents.  I'm sure others will 

Luca Casagrande wrote:
> Hi to all.
> I am working on my thesis about a web application that uses WPS with
> PyWPS and Embrio.
> Right now I started describing Mapserver and I'd like to add some info
> about big project that use it.
> Anyone got some hints?
> Thank you very much
> Luca

Gerry Creager -- gerry.creager at
Texas Mesonet -- AATLT, Texas A&M University	
Cell: 979.229.5301 Office: 979.458.4020 FAX: 979.862.3983
Office: 1700 Research Parkway Ste 160, TAMU, College Station, TX 77843

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