wrapping around the dateline using geographic coordinates

percy percyd at PDX.EDU
Wed Mar 28 21:50:50 PDT 2007

Thanks Frank!

I'd rather stick with something more standard so that we can integrate 
with other services.

Any other ideas, anyone?

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> percy wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've asked this question before, trolled through the archives and 
>> googled everything I could think of.
>> *Has anyone come up with an elegant way of displaying data that 
>> crosses the dateline, while keeping the coordinate system in decimal 
>> degrees?*
>> My Aleutian islands currently get chopped off, and similar problems 
>> ensue with the Pacific Protectorates (Guam, Midway, Samoa, etc)
>> Thanks for any hints! I hope I'm missing something obvious :-)
> Percy,
> The obvious is to rewrap your original data to 0-360 and to not tell
> mapserver anything about the coordinate system at all.  Then you can
> work over the dateline without problems.
> This does not work well with WMS or anything else that needs to be
> coordinate system aware though.
> Best regards,

David Percy
Geospatial Data Manager
Geology Department
Portland State University

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