shapeObj.getCentroid question - Mapscript_csharp
Umberto Nicoletti
umberto.nicoletti at GMAIL.COM
Thu Mar 29 23:34:52 PDT 2007
Which one do you find to be correct: the centroid of the clone or of
the original shape? It *could* be that the clone function is not
entirely correct.
On 3/29/07, David Lowther <dlowther at> wrote:
> Sorry for the mass postings…
> I've noticed that getCentroid behaves differently after projection of the
> shapeObj based on whether you reproject the shape or a clone of the shape.
> Not clear? No lie, I had a hard time typing the sentence.
> In the following example you can see that I can get the right answer, I was
> just wondering if someone could explain the difference in behavior.
> Here's an example:
> Partial Class ProjectPointGetCentroid
> Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
> Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
> System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
> '//project a shapeObj and getCentroid returns coordinates in
> previous projection
> TestProjectNOClone()
> TestProjectClone()
> End Sub
> Private Sub TestProjectNOClone()
> '//Incorrect Result
> '//pCent will equal oCent
> Dim albProj As String = "+proj=aea +lat_1=29.500000000
> +lat_2=45.500000000 +lat_0=23.000000000 " _
> & "+lon_0=-96.000000000 +x_0=0.000 +y_0=0.000 +datum=NAD83
> +ellps=GRS80 +no_defs"
> Dim llProj As String = "+proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80 + no_defs"
> Dim shp As New
> Dim shp2 As New
> Dim line As New lineObj()
> Dim pt As New pointObj(-100, 35, Nothing, Nothing)
> line.add(pt)
> pt = New pointObj(-100, 36, Nothing, Nothing)
> line.add(pt)
> pt = New pointObj(-101, 36, Nothing, Nothing)
> line.add(pt)
> pt = New pointObj(-101, 35, Nothing, Nothing)
> line.add(pt)
> pt = New pointObj(-100, 35, Nothing, Nothing)
> line.add(pt)
> shp.add(line)
> Dim oCent As pointObj = shp.getCentroid()
> Dim result As Integer
> result = shp.project(New projectionObj(llProj), New
> projectionObj(albProj))
> Dim pCent As pointObj = shp.getCentroid()
> End Sub
> Private Sub TestProjectClone()
> '//Correct Result
> '//pCent will NOT equal oCent
> Dim albProj As String = "+proj=aea +lat_1=29.500000000
> +lat_2=45.500000000 +lat_0=23.000000000 " _
> & "+lon_0=-96.000000000 +x_0=0.000 +y_0=0.000 +datum=NAD83
> +ellps=GRS80 +no_defs"
> Dim llProj As String = "+proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80 + no_defs"
> Dim shp As New
> Dim shp2 As New
> Dim line As New lineObj()
> Dim pt As New pointObj(-100, 35, Nothing, Nothing)
> line.add(pt)
> pt = New pointObj(-100, 36, Nothing, Nothing)
> line.add(pt)
> pt = New pointObj(-101, 36, Nothing, Nothing)
> line.add(pt)
> pt = New pointObj(-101, 35, Nothing, Nothing)
> line.add(pt)
> pt = New pointObj(-100, 35, Nothing, Nothing)
> line.add(pt)
> shp.add(line)
> Dim oCent As pointObj = shp.getCentroid()
> Dim pShp As shapeObj
> pShp = shp.clone()
> Dim result As Integer
> result = pShp.project(New projectionObj(llProj), New
> projectionObj(albProj))
> Dim pCent As pointObj = pShp.getCentroid()
> End Sub
> End Class
> Thanks,
> David Lowther
> Coordinate Solutions, Inc.
> 501 N.E. 15th Street
> Oklahoma City, OK 73104
> 405.246.9396 (Voice)
> 904.471.5548 (Fax)
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