map extent

boice tomlin boice at RUNSKIP.COM
Fri Mar 30 21:53:22 EDT 2007


I have a few different shape files at different resolutions that I  
want to load based on the extent of the map the user is viewing.

So if they are viewing the entire country for instance I want to load  
in my low resolution data set.

The problem I'm having is that if a user zooms in on the map I have  
to create the map object using the map file which specifies which  
shapefile I am using, then use phpmapscript to zoom in, and then  
retrieve the extent using phpmapscript functions.  This obviously  
doesn't help me load in the appropriate shapefile because I have to  
create the map object in order to do any of the previous steps.  A  
bit of a paradox - load in the shapefile only to find out that I  
might have wanted to use a different shapefile...

So the short question is how can I zoom in and get the extent before  
loading the shapefile?



Run Skip

boice tomlin

boice at


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