Querying a ratser through OGC technologies

Fabio D'Ovidio dovidio at PLANETEK.IT
Thu May 3 05:54:48 EDT 2007

Hi list!
I want some explanations about OGC technologies in querying a raster map.

I'm sure that WCS provides raster data as WFS provides vector ones, while WMS provides 
images (maps).

I have a DEM and I want to know a specific value (float) in a specific point. How can I do it 
through WCS? Is it possible to do the same with WMS (I think no, because WMS provides 
images, not data!!).

Are there any particular kind of WCS requests?

If no, have I convert raster data in a vectorial format and use a WFS (GML)?

What about Mapserver ?

Thanks a lot!!

Fabio D'Ovidio

Web GIS staff
Planetek Italia s.r.l.
Via Massaua 12, I-70123 Bari 
Tel.: +39 080 5343750 Fax: +39 080 5340280 
dovidio at planetek.it - http://www.planetek.it 

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