Mapserver & NAVTEQ material

Pasi Patama pasi.patama at GMAIL.COM
Tue May 8 08:14:16 EDT 2007


I've been configuring a mapserver for my (k)ubuntu 7.04. I installed
packets from kubuntu repositories and it works quite ok. I do also
have NAVTEQ material of Europe in my directory and I have been
playingwith benelux map for mapserver.

I would like to use this MAPINFO material (TAB files) with mapserver.
I managed to get some results with provided examples and directly
calling mapserv cgi-bin program:

1. This request :

Produces nice image:

But I cannot 'zoom in'.

2. I have also managed to get some results with itasca demo packet,
provided map data works nicely but when I try to integrate this NAVTEQ
material to example, I lost functionality.

Here are my example files:

I got basicly the same map as but when ever I try
to zoom in or pan, I lost view to map.

mapserv log's these, when accessed with above demo.html:

Tue May  8 14:07:01 2007,7988,,DEMO,0,4.176396 -52.655812
110.009672 53.177464,57.093034 0.260826,,normal execution
Tue May  8 14:19:15 2007,8363,,DEMO,0,-48.563853 0.084437
57.269423 105.917713,4.352785 53.001075,,normal execution
Tue May  8 14:19:26 2007,8393,,DEMO,0,6.822228 -55.301644
112.655504 50.531632,59.738866 -2.385006,,normal execution
Tue May  8 14:21:14 2007,8400,,DEMO,0,4.176396 -52.655812
110.009672 53.177464,57.093034 0.260826,,normal execution
Tue May  8 14:29:30 2007,8745,,DEMO,0,-79.608281 -57.418310
26.224995 48.414966,-26.691643 -4.501672,,normal execution
Tue May  8 14:31:05 2007,8801,,DEMO,0,-95.483272 -123.034941
10.350004 -17.201665,-42.566634 -70.118303,,normal execution

So my question is;

1. How I can zoom in by calling mapserv (as in point 1) directly ?
(I have tried zoom, no luck).

2. How do I get this demo example (as in point 2) to behave nicely
with MAPINFO's TAB files ? Now I can only see first produced map
(, accessing
zoom or pan makes map disappear.

Some extra information of my navteq maps:

/var/www/Macs4/Cartes/NavBenelux/B3_Streets1.TAB B3_Streets1

INFO: Open of `/var/www/Macs4/Cartes/NavBenelux/B3_Streets1.TAB'
      using driver `MapInfo File' successful.

Layer name: B3_Streets1
Geometry: Line String
Feature Count: 1188926
Extent: (1.478460, 50.750820) - (7.227110, 55.251330)
Layer SRS WKT:
    DATUM["MIF 0",
        SPHEROID["WGS 84 (MAPINFO Datum 0)",6378137.01,298.257223563],
Link_ID: Real (10.0)

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