join with dbf file

Richard Greenwood richard.greenwood at GMAIL.COM
Sun May 13 22:46:00 EDT 2007

On 5/13/07, Fischer, Brian <bfischer at> wrote:
> Hi Rich,
> Thanks for the reply.  Everything is working fine for the "Parcel
> Selected" class.  The problem I am having is in the "Multi-Interest
> Parcel" class.  The parcels represent properties like condos where there
> are multiple owners associated with one polygon.  I have a table that
> relates to those polygons and would like to display all the owners in
> the query template using a one-to-many join.  When I do an nquery on one
> of those multi-owner polygons, it returns attributes from the data
> source in the layer, but nothing from the join .dbf file.

So you are not trying to draw a map highliting multiple parcel
polygons, you want to display attribute data (like owner name,
address, etc.) for multiple records associated with a single polygon.
Am I right?  I have an application in which I am doing something like
this and I can say that it is pretty straight forward. Unfortunately,
the app where I'm doing it is not publicly accessible so you can not
easily see it, and I'm traveling, so I can not easily attach any code

More generally, I've struggled wit the
condo-as-one-to-many-relationship issue for years, and basically, I
don't see condos as one-to-many, they are one-to-one. Put a spatial
object (either a point, or a small polygon) on the map for each record
in your table.


Richard Greenwood
richard.greenwood at

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