FW: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Mapserver handling BBox in different coordinate systems

Barend K ö bben kobben at ITC.NL
Wed May 16 03:00:40 EDT 2007

Yes, the BBOX is always interpreted in 'current' system, so if the EPSG
requested was RD, the BBOX is in RD, or if you do not use WMS mode and the
EXTENT set in the map file is is in RD, that will be the extent you're
limited to...


On 15-05-2007 21:49, "Milo van der Linden" <mlinden at zeelandnet.nl> wrote:

> Hallo Barend!
> (I think I remember you from the 2 parts of the GIMA course I took about
> 3 years ago)
> I use the BBOX parameter in the request, but that is exactly where the
> problem arises. The BBOX values are in lat/lon, but somehow mapserv
> interprets them as being in RD - coordinates, at least, that is my gut
> feeling.

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