locatebyattribute in c#
Delfos, Jacob
Jacob.Delfos at MAUNSELL.COM
Wed May 16 22:54:32 PDT 2007
Please CC to the list if you reply, so you are more likely to get a
proper answer.
I have no experience in C# whatsoever, but the approach that the
LocateByAttribute widget uses is that it saves each result into a
shapefile, and then adds the shapefile dynamically to the map (using
yellow outline). So you have to do something along those lines.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: veeraswamyd at yahoo.co.in [mailto:veeraswamyd at yahoo.co.in]
> Sent: 17 May 2007 13:51
> To: Delfos, Jacob
> Subject: Re: locatebyattribute in c#
> i have already written this in c#
> my code is displaying data in the table,but i dont know the
> code to zoom the map related to that data.
> so i want code for this part
> my code is :
> Private Sub butFind_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,
> ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles butFind.Click
> lblInfo.Visible = False
> litIdentifyResult.Text = ""
> Dim str, st, st1 As String
> str = ddlLayersQuery.SelectedItem.ToString
> layer = map.getLayerByName(str)
> st = ddlFieldsQuery.SelectedItem.ToString
> If (layer.queryByAttributes(map, st,
> txtName.text,mapscript.MS_MULTIPLE) = MS_RETURN_VALUE.MS_SUCCESS) Then
> result = layer.getResults()
> If (result.numresults > 0) Then
> shapeInd = result.getResult(0).shapeindex
> layer.open()
> shape = layer.getFeature(shapeInd, -1)
> For j = 0 To result.numresults - 1
> shapeInd = result.getResult(j).shapeindex
> layer.open()
> shape = layer.getFeature(shapeInd, -1)
> For i = 0 To layer.numitems - 1
> litIdentifyResult.Text += "<BR><B>" +
> layer.getItem(i) + "</B>=" + shape.getValue(i)
> Next
> Next
> layer.close()
> End If
> Else
> lblInfo.Visible = True
> lblInfo.Text = "No Results Found for '" &
> txtValue.Text & "'"
> End If
> End Sub
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