HTML Legends - still same problem

Ken Lord kenlord at GMAIL.COM
Thu May 24 09:21:19 PDT 2007

Hi Lars,

Try your map with just one layer at a time, try to see if any specific
layer causes your problem. If you find a problem layer, simplify the
layer settings ... one change at a time until you find what is
crashing mapserver.  If you find the problem with that layer, check
all your other layers to be sure it isn't repeated in them.

Do search bugzilla for this, I submitted something like this some time ago.

For me, there was a problem where incorrect antialiasing settings in
my layers would make mapserver crash or fail to deliver an HTML
legend, while not always making the map fail, and when the map did
fail it would not post an error. The website would just be missing the
map and HTML legend and often other items that would have been
generated after the map and legend.

It may not really have been a bug ... but rather an inelegant handling
of my incorrect layer settings.

Back when I posted my problem, the antialiasing documentation was not
clear on exactly what settings were acceptable for different
situations. Some settings would work fine in some cases but cause the
problem in others.

Good Luck,
Ken Lord
Vancouver BC

On 5/23/07, Lars-Göran Edholm <lged_morris at> wrote:
> Html Legends worked well before Mapserver 4.6.2 so I am still using that
> version.
> Upgrading to 4.10 makes the legend disappear when I have about 25-30 open
> layers.
> This did never happen in the older versions of Mapserver.
> Is this still on some bug list and will it be fixed?
> Lars-Göran Edholm
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