WMS/WFS Authentication

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM
Sat May 26 15:38:41 EDT 2007

Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote:
> I've used simple http authentication and x509 certificates in the
> past, although I'm sure there are other approaches.
> I guess an initial question would be what/how do you want secure your
> WMS/WFS w.r.t. granularity?  Do you want to protect the entire
> WMS/WFS?  Or specific layers/feature types?

I think initially I'm looking at a gate keeper functionality. I think 
the big issue is that I don't know what clients I need to support, and I 
don't think it is safe to assume it will always be a browser.

Do you have a writeup on how you setup http authenication and x509 certs 
wrt to WMS/WFS services? This sounds like it would be worthwhile adding 
to the wiki.

I did a google search and found various reference to discussions on 
this. Also found http://www.geoxacml.org/ which seems to be a complex 

   -Steve W

> If the latter:
> - do you want want to assign roles / groups to specific
> layers/feature types?  Do you want to further constrain by spatial
> predicates? - this gets way more complicated.
> ..Tom
> -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List on behalf
> of Stephen Woodbridge Sent: Sat 26-May-07 11:00 To:
> WMS/WFS Authentication  
> Hi all,  What are people doing for WMS/WFS authentication when they
> set up a for fee service? Since this is not part of the protocol, I'm
> wondering how you might be doing this or if anyone is doing this.  
> Thanks, -Steve 

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