hilite and zoom query in c#

lakku veeraswamyd at YAHOO.CO.IN
Mon May 28 01:45:17 EDT 2007

iam working with mapserver using C# mapscript
iam displaying a map in imagebutton control
now i want to zoom the features on the map related to query
ie when user selects the layer and sub layer from dropdownlists and enters
the value in the textbox then related features must be hilited and zoomed on
the map
i have wriiten a code for only hiliting the features but it is not working
my code is :
ddlLayersQuery is the dropdownlist (layers)
ddlFieldsQuery is the dropdownlist (sublayers)
txtValue is the textbox
 Dim image As imageObj
        Dim img As Byte()
        Dim ms As MemoryStream
        Dim bitmap, mapimage As Bitmap
 Dim str, st, st1 As String
        str = ddlLayersQuery.SelectedItem.ToString
        layer = map.getLayerByName(str)
        st = ddlFieldsQuery.SelectedItem.ToString


            layer.queryByAttributes(map, st, txtValue.Text, 1)

        Catch ex As Exception

        End Try

            image = map.drawQuery()

            'image.save("mapimg.png", map)
            img = image.getBytes()
            ms = New MemoryStream(img)

            mapimage = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms)
            bitmap = mapimage
        End Try

plz correct my code

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