Solaris 8 Help - Compiling Supporting Libs

Timothy J Nolte tnolte at ILPCS.COM
Tue May 29 17:10:37 EDT 2007

So I guess the the GNUmake from sunfreeware installs in /usr/local/bin as
'make' not 'gmake'. I had installed version 3.81 from sunfreeware. I was
able to install and then successfully begin compiling gdal using the full
make path (/usr/local/bin/make). It failed compiling when it hit the geotiff
formats. I had to change the compile options to use the internal geotiff
instead of LibGeoTIFF (v1.2.3) that I had already installed separately. The
compile also failed when turning ODBC support on, so I had to turn that
compile option off as well. We're still compiling so we'll see if everything
else worked ok. I had also pre-installed LibTIFF (v3.8.2) and libgif
(v4.1.0). Also already existing were libjpeg, libpng, and GD, so the compile
is using these external libraries.

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