[SLD] GetLegendGraphic "problem"

Till Adams adams at TERRESTRIS.DE
Mon Oct 8 10:00:13 EDT 2007

Jacolin Yves schrieb:

>I come back with some new problem. I have always my mapfile with my 6 groups 
>of layers. I am trying to get the legend of my layer(s) with the 
>GetLegendGraphic request. I succeed to get it for a simple layer but not for 
>layers' group. However, I can use this layer group using WMS (ie I get the 
>correct map using LAYERS=layerGroupName), not for the GetLegendGraphic.
>Anyone have an idea to looking for why it is not working? Is it a MapServer 
Der Y.,

yes! This is because the WMS specification does not know groups - you 
would get the same problem, if you
would try to do a featureinfo request on a grouped layer.

The map-request works, because mapserver handles a group like a single 
layer and delivers one image
for all requested layers, for a legend graphic the request targets a 
single layer ("layer=.." instead of
"layers=.." for a map-request) and mapserver delivers one legend for a 
single layer. That's your problem.

We handled this in mapbender e.g. by letting the client know the 
"childs" of the grouped layer and then
request the single layers by their name and not their groupname. This 
also could be your workaround.

Regards, Till

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vertreten durch:
Hinrich Paulsen, Till Adams

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