./mapserv -v gives parameteres I don`t understand

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Wed Oct 17 15:48:38 EDT 2007

> OUTPUT=WBMP -> What does that mean? What is WBMP?

Wireless Bitmap Format. It's one supported out-of-the-box by GD.

> OUTPUT=SWF -> Does anybody know what this means? What is SWF?


> SUPPORTS=THREADS -> What are threads?

This enables thread locking in multithreaded environments (I think).

> SUPPORTS=GEOS -> Geos is used by PostGIS, but for what does Mapserver
need that?

The MapServer CGI doesn't use GEOS. However there is access to most GEOS
operators and spatial predicates via MapScript so you can do buffers,
intersection tests and so on in that environment.

> Why are INPUT=SHAPEFILE and INPUT=JPEG are listed even if INPUT=OGR
and INPUT=GDAL are written?
> ? OGR/GDAL already mean that JPEG andShapes are implemented??? Isn`t
that a "double-listing"?

MapServer has native interfaces to a few vector and image formats. For
vector formats the support is there for performance reasons (one less
translation to go through) while vector formats are largely historical
in nature and may go away. For instance, you get JPEG because GD
supports it.


>>> Jakob Mautberg <jakob3_mautberg at WEB.DE> 10/17/07 3:06 AM >>>
Dear list,

I have got a question.
If I write

./mapserv -v

then I get some parameters that I don`t understand.

OUTPUT=WBMP -> What does that mean? What is WBMP?
OUTPUT=SWF -> Does anybody know what this means? What is SWF?

SUPPORTS=THREADS -> What are threads?
SUPPORTS=GEOS -> Geos is used by PostGIS, but for what does Mapserver
need that?

Why are INPUT=SHAPEFILE and INPUT=JPEG are listed even if INPUT=OGR and
INPUT=GDAL are written?
? OGR/GDAL already mean that JPEG andShapes are implemented??? Isn`t
that a "double-listing"?
Thank you very much, Jakob
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