Map fails to display in interactive mode (&mode=browse). Help!

Fawcett, David David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US
Thu Oct 18 11:29:33 PDT 2007

The URL in IMAGEURL should be relative to the web root.  Try something
     IMAGEURL '/temp/'


-----Original Message-----
From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On
Behalf Of kreshna_iceheart at
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 7:44 AM
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Map fails to display in interactive mode
(&mode=browse). Help!

So I'm experimenting with MapServer on my notebook
with Windows XP SP2, Apache 2.0.54, and MapServer for
Windows (MS4W) 1.2.2.

My file placement scheme is fairly complex, because I
put map-related files (.MAP, .SHP, etc) and HTML files
on different folders. Here's the folders where I put map-related files:
C:\mapfiles\mapfile\ C:\mapfiles\shp\ C:\mapfiles\font\

And here's the folders where I put HTML templates and
TEMP files:
C:\ms4w\Apache\cgi-bin\ -=> where mapserv.exe

I do not use absolute folder hierarchy in my URL
references, though. Instead, I use relative folder
hierarchy. For example, here's how I write the URL on
my browser, to call a map file from the folder where mapserv.exe resides
(traversing from C:\ms4w\Apache\cgi-bin\to C:\mapfiles\mapfile\):

 here's how I specify the SHP folders from my map
  SHAPEPATH "../shp"
  FONTSET "../font/font.dat"
  SYMBOLSET "../simbol/simbol.sym"
  IMAGECOLOR 210 233 255  # biru muda

     IMAGEPATH '../../ms4w/Apache/htdocs/temp/'
     IMAGEURL '../../ms4w/Apache/htdocs/temp/'

So as you see above, I use relative folder hierarchy
to specify those folders (IMO it's a good practice in
linux environment).

So far, I have created various map files and I haven't
had any problems displaying maps (SHP layers) in
static mode (&mode=map).

Then I tried to use interactive 
mode (&mode=browse). I have created a map file for
that purpose, and I have made the necessary HTML
template file and the HTML legends file. I attached
those files with this mail:
- map file:
- HTML template: map01_tmp1.html
- HTML legends: map01_leg.html

First, I tested my map file in static mode, and the
maps are displayed correctly without problems.
However, when I try to call the map file in browse
mode, the map just failed to display. All I got is
just red "X" where the map should be displayed.

(I cannot attach the screenshots because they're
larger than 80k)

I have confirmed that it is not the problem with my
browser; I have tried another browser (Opera) and the
problem stays. Besides, non-MapServer web pages (like
Google, etc) display pictures with no problem.

And when I checked the TEMP folder (C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\temp\),
MapServer actually CREATED all those temporary GIF files whenever I open
the map file using browser mode. In fact, when I view the resulting HTML
codes from my browser, the page DOES refer to the temporary .GIF files
being created by MapServer. I attached the resulting HTML code as well

Alas, the page just does not display those temporary
.GIF files --it just displays all the red "X" marks.

So what's wrong here? Is it the fault of my browser?
But I have tried other browser and the problem stays. 

Or maybe because my complex folder scheme? Probably
because I use relative folder hierarcy to call the
necessary files? But all map files I have created have
no problems at all displaying the maps in static mode.

Or maybe there's a component I forgot to install?


So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with
women, with marriage, with God, religions, bars, nightclubs, computer
games, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but
with freedom and a healed pride.

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