A really weird problem with querying a map

Gregor Mosheh gregor at HOSTGIS.COM
Wed Oct 31 13:52:01 PDT 2007

Fawcett, David wrote:
> I think that this behavior is new in 5.0, but I could be wrong.

Could be. I'm using MS 4.10.3
I'm sorry I forgot to mention that earlier.

> It would be interesting to run a test to see if this occurs on a layer
> where the layer and output are the same SRS.  (e.g. pre-project your
> data)

I have done this. Reprojecting the data does solve this issue, allowing 
me to drop the tolerance and toleranceunits and to have it work just 

That's a viable workaround, yes, but if this is a real bug, ...

Gregor Mosheh / Greg Allensworth
System Administrator, HostGIS cartographic development & hosting services

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  only if you can restore." - AMANDA

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