adding support for user authentication within Mapserver for GetCapablities and GetMap

Bob Basques bob.b at GRITECHNOLOGIES.COM
Sat Sep 1 00:40:23 PDT 2007


Ok, upon closer scrutiny, this is about what I was thinking about too as 
far as a "Ticketing" system being used for authentication.

Geez, it's in java though  and uses Tomcat . . . .  I've had way too 
many problems with this combination in the past especially related to 
other application/service conflicts with regard to the way that 
different browsers handle things.   Unless you have a fairly captive 
audience (which I don't) and can dictate to some extent what they are 
using for browsers, this combination can generate real big problems as 
far as administration.  I'm not even going to talk about versioning 
conflicts, which is a rant all by itself.

I was thinking along the lines of the ticketing authority in combination 
with session cookies.  The cookie mechanism even allows for building of 
a log-off process.  It's not however entirely secure.  Still pondering 
and reading up on this stuff though, thanks for the link.


Flavio Hendry wrote:
> Ed, John & Co.
> might have a look at:
> Mit freundlichem Gruss / Best Regards
> Flavio Hendry
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