blank image
Terence Maru
Tue Sep 4 16:17:07 PDT 2007
Hi everyone, I have a problem generating an image from my postgis
database I have attached my php script. No errors are returned when
the script is run, just a blank image is returned. Can anyone see whats
wrong with my script? Cheers
$map = ms_newMapObj("");
$map->setSize(600, 300);
$temp = $map->setExtent(-180, -90, 180, 90);
//define path where to creat image
$map->web->set("imagepath", "./data/");
$map->web->set("imageurl", "./data/");
$map->web->set("log", "./data/logfile.txt");
//crate parcel layer, associate it withthe map
$parcelLayer = ms_newLayerObj($map);
$parcelLayer->set("connectiontype", MS_POSTGIS);
$parcelLayer->set("name", "parcels layer");
$connector = "user=username dbname=test host=localhost";
$parcelLayer->set("connection", $connector);
$sql = "the_geom from parcels";
$parcelLayer->set("data", $sql);
$parcelLayer->set("status", MS_DEFAULT);
$parcelLayer->set("type", MS_LAYER_POLYGON);
$parcelClass = ms_newClassObj($parcelLayer);
$parcelClass->set("name", "parcels class");
$parcelStyle = ms_newStyleObj($parcelClass);
$parcelStyle->color->setRGB( 250, 0, 0);
$parcelStyle->outlinecolor->setRGB( 255, 255, 255);
$parcelStyle->set("symbolname", "circle");
$parcelStyle->set("size", 10);
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