Mapserver PHP Issues

Didrik Pinte dpinte at ITAE.BE
Wed Sep 12 01:41:16 PDT 2007

On Wed, 2007-09-12 at 01:30 -0700, richard orama wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have picked up quite a bit of Mapserver - and I am already doing
> some publishing on our intranet. But this question still bothers me:
> I have not yet used any PHP scripts in addition to my map file - I use
> only the map file and html files. How can I use PHP and for what
> purpose? Can someone send a simple example of how I can use PHP
> Mapscript?
> Best regards,
> Richard.

Hi Richard,

I think you can find a very interesting tutorial here :

Concerning the purpose of php/mapscript, I'm sure that if you need it
you will already thought about scripting the use of mapserver. It's
definetely very easy to keep using map files without php/mapscript. The
php/mapscript is only another way to call your mapfile that let you do
more things than the CGI version. This is cool but the CGI version
provides you a lot of functionnalities that are easy to use (querying,
enabling layers, etc.). In php/mapscript, you can do it but you have to
program each type of action in your php application. One solution is to
use one of the existing php/mapscript frameworks (like p.mapper, ka-map,

I hope this helps.

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