Question about Labels

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM
Thu Sep 13 06:04:06 PDT 2007

Jelmer Baas wrote:
> Thanks for your quick response. I tried to use OGR:LabelText, and it 
> seems to work -- sometimes. For *some* layers I get this following, 
> quite interesting, error:
> msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'topo'.
> msOGRGetValues(): OGR error. Invalid field index!?!


I checked in the code, and it seems that you'd get that error if 
MapServer tries to read one of the OGR:Label* attributes on a feature 
that does not have a label definition, or in the case of TAB files, on a 
MapInfo object that is not a TEXT object.

I am realizing just now that this makes it impossible to use OGR:Label* 
on a .TAB file that has mixed object types. I think it would be possible 
to make MapServer handle this more gracefully, i.e. returning some 
default values (text="", angle=0 and size=0) in cases where the object 
is not of the right type.

I created a ticket for this an a future enhancement 
( In the meantime you'll 
have to make sure the files you use for annotation contain only objects 
of type TEXT.

Daniel Morissette

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