possible to add extra xml tag in WFS from postgis database?

Edward Fialkowski wef1 at CEC.WUSTL.EDU
Fri Sep 14 13:40:02 EDT 2007

Hi List, I have mapserver serving a WFS from a postgis database and was
wondering if it woudl be possible to add some extra tags with values from
the database.

For example, here is one feature output:
    <ms:FireManageZones fid="DNR">
    <gml:Box srsName="EPSG:4326">
<gml:coordinates>-150.282283,61.121625 -150.156914,61.173753
    <gml:Polygon srsName="EPSG:4326">
-150.238278,61.121625 -150.273558,61.123167 -150.282283,61.126103 -
150.243647,61.132514 -150.223019,61.168200 -150.197936,61.173608 -150.161342
,61.173753 -150.156914,61.167431 -150.175039,61.147975 -150.195642,61.136814-

and I would just love to add a <gml:value>xxx</gml:value> for 1 to this
output.  The xxx is a number in the 'value' column of the same database
mapserver is accessing and would be different for each feature.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
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