ogr tileindex with postgis?

Neil Best nbest at LANWORTH.COM
Wed Sep 19 15:01:11 PDT 2007

Is it possible to use a PostGIS table as a tileindex?  The docs seem to 
indicate so, but I could not find an example of how to connect to 
PostGIS through CONNECTIONTYPE OGR.  I have made some reasonable 
attempts including TILEINDEX "PG:'host=myhost dbname=mydb',mytable" 
(analogous to the examples givens) and using CONNECTIONTYPE postgis in 
the usual fashion and substituting TILEINDEX for DATA, but it always 
seems to be looking for a shapefile.  Normally I would provide better 
snippets but I wanted to throw the question out there before going home 
tonight, so if anyone has any insight or relevant web links I would 
appreciate that information very much.  Thanks.


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