SV: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Select data from table to generate layer

Henric Ernstson henric at ERNSTSON.NU
Fri Sep 28 04:01:27 PDT 2007

Tanks for a quick answer. 

I have used *.ovf files to select data from mySQL for the layers I have today to get data from the database and so far I have not got any problem yet, is it not recomended or so to use that method?

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: "Umberto Nicoletti" <umberto.nicoletti at>
Till: "Henric Ernstson" <henric at>
Skickat: 07-09-28 09:14
Ämne: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Select data from table to generate layer

The same has been cleaned up and added to the documentation here:


On 9/28/07, Umberto Nicoletti <umberto.nicoletti at> wrote:
> Henric,
> first of all you need to make the mysql accessibile to mapserver by
> converting coordintes into a valid mygis geometry.
> Unfortunately there is not much documentation on mysql around, but I
> could gather the following by looking at the source of mapmygis.c:
> Standard ways of specifiying are :
> (1) 'geometry_column from geometry_table'
> (2) 'geometry_column from (<sub query>) as foo using unique
> <column name> using SRID=<srid#>'",
> NOTE: for (2) 'using unique' and 'SRID=' are optional, but its highly
> recommended that you use them!!!
> The most common problem with (1) is incorrectly uploading your data.
> There must be an entry in the geometry_columns table.  This will be
> automatically done if you used the shp2mysql program or created your
> geometry column with the AddGeometryColumn() MYGIS function.

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