[mapserver-users] Dynamic Mapserver Technology

Doug Williams williams at websawyer.com
Tue Apr 1 16:03:16 PDT 2008

Hi Stef,

One good solution is imagemaps.  Mapserver makes fair imagemaps for  
polygons, so should do for creating imagemaps that with a bit of  
typical html wizardry could be incorporated into a page to display  
information about polygons without clicking on the map, just mousing  
over.  I found that mapserver was not giving specific enough  
information about points to the imagemap, so I modified my source  
just a bit and now get imagemaps for point layers that can provide  
information about every point on the map on one web page ... not a  
need to click and wait for a new page for each point anymore.  Just  
mouse over the point and the info is displayed.


On Apr 1, 2008, at 10:48 AM, schwarzr at grid.unep.ch wrote:

> Hi there,
> one is seeing more and more flash-map sites on the web. It seems  
> almost as if
> these are some kind of competition for the "real" IMS sites. Surely  
> no real
> GIS application; but in many cases some basic information display is
> sufficient.
> So I wonder how far one can go with mapserver. Probably one has to  
> use as
> well the flash-output option? And then, is there the possibility to
> dynamically highlight a country when the mouse is over that  
> country? Display
> additional information - something like a country profile etc....  
> Everything
> within one single application, without the need to reload a page,  
> another
> window etc.?
> Thanks for any hints,
> Stef
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